About four kilometers from
Haji Abad mountain on the northeast of
Persepolis, there are
some historical works belonging to Elamite,
Achaemenid and
Sassanid kings which are called Naghsh-e Rostam because of their grandeur
and height.
On the top of the mountain there are four tombs which are believed to be
those of, Xerxes, Darius I Artaxerexes and Darius II, the Achaemenid
In the first relief which has been carved in the lower side of the
mountain, Narssi, the son of Shapur I receives the royal ring from the
symbol of Anahita. In this carving the clothing style, the crown,
hairstyle, ornaments and the strips which were fastened to the ankles have
been demonstrated.
The second relief, which has been carved below the tomb of Darius the
Great and includes two scenes, which have been separated by a relatively
narrow line. Both scenes share similarities and the scene above
demonstrates Bahram II (276 - 293 A.D) engaged in a battle with his foes.
The third relief constitutes the biggest and the most luxurious carving of
the Sassanid era in Naghsh-e Rostam and includes the victory of Shapur I
(242 - 271 A.D.) over the Roman emperor Valerian. In this relief Shapur I
is riding his horse in full glory and grandeur and the Roman emperor
Valerian has bowed before him.
Behind Shapur is seen the large inscription in Pahlavi plus the picture of
the prominent and mighty Zoroastrian priest of his time. This inscription
speaks of Shapur`s biography, background and endeavors for the
reinforcement of the principles of the Zoroastrian faith.
The fourth relief demonstrates the victory of Hormuz II, the Sassanid king
(302 - 310 A.D.) who has crushed his enemy. The fifth relief shows the
scene of the victory of Bahram II (276 - 293 A.D.) where the enemy of the
king grips a broken lancer in his hand and his horse is down on the
ground. The sixth relief demonstrates Bahram II,the Sassanid king in the
company of his court people and viziers.The seventh relief which is one of
the early reliefs of Naghsh - e -Rostam, displays Artaxerxes (226 - 242
A.D.) who is receiving the royal ring from Ahura Mazda.
On the left has been carved Artaxerxes and to the right is Ahura Mazda,
both riding horses. Under the hoof of Artaxerxes` horse has been carved a
man who is said to be the last king of the Arsacids, and some others
believe this man is a rival to Artaxerxes` throne.
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from Naghsh-e-Rostam


4 Achaemenid Kings Tombs |